Solar systems built today are very reliable. They have proven to be dependable sources of energy for large office buildings, mass retailers and governmental agencies, supplying megawatts of energy. Some of the largest companies in the world have buildings powered by solar energy, including eBay, WalMart, and the US Air Force. Incentive Solar LLC has incredible high quality standards and only use best of breed equipment.
You might not end up living in your home for the next twenty years. In fact the average homeowner only lives in their home for 7 year. However, Incentive solar LLC agreements are set up so that it's easy to transfer your agreement to a new homeowner. The new homeowner will take over the agreement and pay the same low rate for solar power. New Home buyers often see lower electricity rates, system maintenance, and monitoring as advantages helping you sell your homes faster, and it will help you get a higher selling price for your home.
Solar energy avoids pollution from conventional coal plants and nuclear plants when creating electricity and heat. Using national average emission factors, every megawatt-hour of electricity generated through a solar PV panel avoids more than 1,300 lbs of carbon dioxide (CO2), more than 5 lbs of sulfur dioxide (SO2), and almost 2 lbs of nitrogen oxide (NOxradioactive nuclear wastes. Going solar helps ensure that the youth will have a healthy environment in the future.) and it also avoids producing.
You will start saving money from day one (with zero down), since your reduced electricity bill will usually add up to a smaller monthly charge than your old energy bill because of all the government and fees you pay SDG&E. The panels, installation and maintenance do not cost you anything, and their performance is guaranteed. Leasing allows you to go solar worry free. If they don't produce as promised, you will be reimbursed for the extra money you pay to the utility. Therefore it is in our best interest to keep your system running at full potential to help everyone win.
You will be able to purchase a complete system, utilize all of your rebates and incentives and never have an electric bill again! Sounds pretty amazing to me. If paying cash, you will see the system pay for itself within 5-7 years and after that the savings equal money in your pocket. If financing you can set up payments that are lower than your current electric bill for 10, 12, 15 or 20 years. After the system is paid off, you will be getting your electricity for free.
Incentive Solar's Installers will handle all permits. There are two permits that you will need to obtain in order to put your solar-energy system into operation. Both of them are required by the Department of Buildings. There is an electrical permit that is obtained through the Bureau of Electrical Control and a building permit that is obtained through a third-party structural engineer. Incentive Solar is committed to making this a care free process. Our installation affiliate handles everything!
Solar is an affordable service. It will help you take control of your electric bill and you will never have to worry about that pesky ever-increasing utility bill. The only thing that is expensive is staying with your utility company, paying whatever they ask of you. With solar, you can lock in to low monthly payments that help you have more money for the things you want to buy. If you want to know more, sign up for a free consultation and we will show you exactly how solar can make your energy more affordable.
Really! When you begin to generate your own solar power, your utility bill will drop significantly. How much you can save will depend on the size of your solar system and your electricity usage. When your solar system generates more electricity than your building can immediately use, your excess power flows back to the utility grid and your meter literally spins backward!
The size of solar system you need depends on several factors such as how much electricity or hot water or space heat you use, how, the size of your roof, and how much you're willing to invest. Also, do you want the system to supply your complete energy usage or to supplant a portion of your higher cost energy usage? You can contact a system designer/installer to determine what type of system would suit your needs.
Standard homeowner's insurance policies usually suffice to meet electric utility requirements. Electric utilities usually require that homeowners who take advantage of net metering sign an interconnection agreement.
Solar system requires very little maintenance, largely because it has no moving parts. All your system requires is minimal shade, occasional cleaning and inspection. Incentive Solar LLC service team monitors your system output to ensure that your system is performing as it should. In the unlikely event that your system underperforms.
Incentive Solar is a full service energy provider. Our team is committed to taking care of every part of your
project, including permitting, system design, quick installation, and a big welcome to our Solar family.